During the years with my last employer shoutr labs, I build up the XR department as the lead developper. This means I got to test all of the exciting new hardware and was in charge of developing the shoutr AR engine.

Therefore, I have profound knowledge in working with AR Foundation, Vuforia and the Nreal framework. I can give valuable expertise on which platform to use for a given usecase or help you find potential to optimize your work by using state of the art technologies.


  • Marshmallow Mystery
    For almost two years, I was part of the team that developed the Augmented Reality (AR) game called Marshmallow Mystery. It was the brainchild of the theater group GRIPS from Berlin Germany. Their kids program “Rakete jetzt!” imagined the story of a summer camp, where… Read more: Marshmallow Mystery
  • 3D Printed VR Binoculars
    In March 2021, I got contacted by the founder of the immersive startup VRetro. Their business case: touristic binoculars … with VR! When we first met, a lot of conceptual and software work had already been done and their current state was that they were… Read more: 3D Printed VR Binoculars
  • Atondes
    This project came to life during the first months of the first Covid19 lockdown. Everyone had to stay at home and so it happened that the organizers of the cultural hackathon Coding da Vinci moved everything into the internet. I read about it on Twitter… Read more: Atondes