The idea for this project came from a friend of mine, while we were walking over a Christmas market in Berlin. We were looking at many decorative objects and at some point she asked me if it would be possible to 3D print a design that she saw on the internet. Well, the answer was yes and the next day, I started working on the idea. First I designed a small piece to see how thin I can go with the letters, and what the required clearances for the pieces are to not fall out of the board. When I had everything dialed in, I started with a big board and followed with a set of letters.

After assembly, I noticed that it was rather hard to make the sign stand up on its own so I thought about those stands for plates and that they could hold the sign beautifully. So I went ahead and also designed one of these and the project was completed.

If you have an idea for a unique and innovative gadget that you would like to bring to life, I would be thrilled to help you with the 3D printing process. Please contact me using this email.