In 2019, the organization team of Coding da Vinci ( asked a friend and me if we could show at the Frankfurter Buchmesse ( how cultural hackathons work. For that occasion, they asked us to prepare small projects and present them live on stage as if we developed them during the 1h presentation.
The dataset that we were supposed to use were paintings from the Jüdisches Museum FFM ( To show that you can easily combine more datasets, I decided that I also wanted to use some data I produced during an earlier (real) hackathon. Namely by separating bugs from a dataset by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin ( which is licensed under CC0 (
The idea behind this project was to create new art from existing pictures. In this case arranging bugs in a 3D space such that the image reappears when viewed from the correct angle.
Again, all the project files are available under MIT or CC0 on my GitLab Account;:
Here are some Examples:

If you are looking for a developer who can help you with the design and development of your computer-generated art project, I would be happy to collaborate with you. Please contact me via email using this link.